Lyrita Audio

Lyrita Audio had its genesis in a huge attic in Chicago, where Viren Bakhshi, began mucking around with hi-fi components and design, his ears full of Chicago jazz and chamber music. This all-consuming passion for pure sound really got going in 1994 in New Delhi, India, when he began to design and produce high end audio equipment commercially.


Like all high end companies, Lyrita Audio is the creation of its designer. Its products reflect a purist philosophy: "Reproduced music should be true to the recorded medium. If the recording is good, the listener is brought close to the 'live' experience."


Lyrita Audio is driven by a passion for music, and for equipment that reproduces music realistically. After an initial foray into solid-state amplifiers, Viren has been completely won over by the vintage technology of tubes. Proven over decades of use in audio, tubes continue to win over music lovers who crave for a more natural and truer to life musical presentation. The musical experience is magical!


Lyrita offers a range of tube amplifiers, and preamplifiers - primarily, single ended tube designs, because of their clarity of sound, and the ability to fully convey the emotions in music. And, a range of high sensitivity speakers, to complement the low powered tube amplifiers.


All products are made to order - handcrafted components designed to give you immense musical pleasure!

Making handcrafted audio components designed purely for listening pleasure